Good instincts, brainpower, open minds
About us

For many, it’s uninspiring stuff. For us tax consultants, all those rules, regulations, hard numbers and facts of tax law are brain food for our eggheads. Yet superior tax advice calls for something more than just brainpower. It requires good instincts that can foresee evolving developments, as well as open mindedness that encourages out-of-the-box creativity and grasps interconnections. And with this balanced skillset, we specialize in two areas.

For starters, we’re consultants to consultants: not everyone can know everything down to the last detail, especially when time and effort are better spent looking after one’s clients. That’s why we offer support to our colleagues with their complex tax-law issues. Our guiding policy: we take over your responsibility, not your client.

We also provide consulting for companies which expect us to be the smartest brains in the room but still demand a dialogue on equal footing.

About us
About us
Good instincts, brainpower, open minds
About us
Prof. Dr. Markus Peter
Prof. Dr. Markus Peter
Chartered Tax Advisor
Prof. Dr. Markus Peter
Prof. Dr. Markus Peter
Prof. Dr. Markus Peter
What you’ve always wanted to read about Peter & Partner
What you’ve always wanted to read about Peter & Partner
Dr. Stephan Vossel
Dr. Stephan Vossel
Chartered Tax Advisor, Business Economist
Dr. Stephan Vossel
Dr. Stephan Vossel
Dr. Stephan Vossel
On tour
Life is short – learn fast

Nur aktuelles und fundiertes Wissen verschafft Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern einen Vorteil. Gerne geben wir unser Know-how in Form von Vorträgen und Schulungen bei Kursen, Seminaren und anderen Fachveranstaltungen weiter.

Hier sind die kommenden Kurse, Vorlesungen und Seminare, in denen wir sprechen werden:

  • Intensivkurs Internationales Steuerrecht, 17./18.02.2025, nwb Verlag, online
  • „Asset Protection – rechtlich und steuerlich“, 26.02.2025, Steuerfachtagung des Steuerberaterverbands Niedersachsen, Hannover
  • Intensivkurs Internationales Steuerrecht, 02./03.06.2025, nwb Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
  • Intensivkurs Internationales Steuerrecht, 11./12.11.2025, nwb Verlag, online

Und hier ein Vorgeschmack auf unsere vergangenen Veranstaltungen: Veranstaltungshistorie


On tour
On tour
On tour
High-end service at eye level
Our Offer
Consulting for businesses

What separates us from those “top-drawer” tax-advisory firms?
Think of it like getting tender-loving care from the hospital’s chief physician. With us, you benefit directly from our A-list talent. At least one of our partners, maybe even a whole team of our top specialists, work with you arm-in-arm, eye-to-eye.

Let’s face it: Based in Aalen, we can’t pretend to impress clients with our swanky street address, so we need to impress you all the more with our bespoke, out-of-the-box approaches to consulting. We’re not afraid to get roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty!

How about taking us out for a test drive? Whether you’re just looking for second opinion or want to trade-in right now, please feel free to choose from our broad array of options:

  • International tax law
  • Corporate tax law
  • Reorganization tax law
  • Value added tax law
  • Support as “External” tax department
  • Tax optimization / abatement
  • Transfer-pricing issues
  • Tax Compliance
  • Legacy/ inheritance tax issues – domestic and international
  • Real estate transfer tax law

And don’t dare think that we’re just a bunch of local yokels! Of course, we work hand-in-hand with a network of international experts (please pardon us for not listing them here, but we’ll be happy to show you our secret weapons when we meet in person, okay?).

Let’s not forget to mention all those beloved bedrocks of accounting:

  • Annual reports
  • Tax returns
  • Payroll and administrative accounting

While an “elite” firm might hold its upturned nose while providing such basic services, we see them as laying a foundation to build a long-lasting and multifaceted relationship with you.

Our Offer
Consulting for businesses
Our Offer
Consulting for businesses
High-end service at eye level
Our Offer
Consulting for businesses
You write, you persist? No! You write, you will become!

To become: a common verb, yet it has so many meanings:

To emerge – to come to pass – to undergo change – to develop – to be suitable for – to grow. Only those who first gain expertise themselves can then put it down in writing, so that they can help others to become.

Here you’ll find a list of all our books, chapter essays, commentaries, contributions to trade publications, and other assorted literature.

Click here for our publications

You write, you persist? No! You write, you will become!
Certainly, you can do it, too. But can you do it certainly enough?
Our Offer
Consulting for consultants

Sure, you know your day-to-day business like the back of your hand. But you’re not alone when every now and then you need to dig deeper into complex issues that come up only once in a blue moon. When you just don’t have the time to dig for it, don’t worry! We’ve got your back.

At the end of the concert, when your throat is getting sore and you think you’re losing your audience, we’ll help you take it to the next level. We won’t step into your spotlight – we’ll just give you the chance to shine in front of your most demanding audience. Whatever song they request for an encore, as your back-up band we’re ready to accompany you. And you can be absolutely certain that we relieve you only of your responsibilities, not your client.

Specifically, we can help out in such situations:

  • Tax opinions
  • External audits
  • Judicial and extrajudicial appeal proceedings
  • Troubleshooting strategies custom tailored to your client’s needs

More and more in recent years, these topics have called for certain specialization:
Reorganization, international tax law, corporate tax law, legacy planning, value added tax, real estate transfer tax

Our Offer
Consulting for consultants
Our Offer
Consulting for consultants
Certainly, you can do it, too. But can you do it certainly enough?
Our Offer
Consulting for consultants
Katharina Peter
Katharina Peter
Chartered Tax Advisor, Master of Arts in Taxation (M.A.)
Katharina Peter
Katharina Peter
Katharina Peter
Here’s some good news!

Yeah, we understand. Our inboxes are also overflowing with all newsletters we’ve subscribed to. We take no great joy if we’re just adding ours on to your pile, so we present two possibilities:

1) Bookmark this page and come back every so often to read our newsletter whenever you are relaxed enough to actually get something out of it. This will calm you down while it educates you and helps build your self-discipline (but only if you come back regularly).

2) Self-discipline unlikely? Here’s a quicker way. Go to your inbox and unsubscribe to any newsletter you’ve left unread, then subscribe to ours instead. There, wasn’t that easy? Best news of the day!

Past newsletters

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Here’s some good news!
Prof. Christoph Kromer
Prof. Christoph Kromer
Chartered Tax Advisor, MBA
Telephone: +49 15116 153595
Prof. Christoph Kromer
Prof. Christoph Kromer
Prof. Christoph Kromer
Gabriela Hellstern
Gabriela Hellstern
Chartered Tax Advisor, Master of Arts in Taxation (M.A.)
Gabriela Hellstern
Gabriela Hellstern
Gabriela Hellstern
Nothing to see here – step right up!

Sure, every employer will tell you that they’re so amazing. What’s great about us is that we really are!

All joking aside, we’re based in Aalen – not exactly the center of the universe. And even though we’ve getting much closer to it with our office in Cologne, there are still a few things we’re missing: like a dog-eat-dog environment between co-workers; one-upmanship; exhibiting arrogant behavior to our clients; and slaving away 70 hours every week. With us, it’s all about a collective effort toward honest consulting and hard work that still leaves enough time to enjoy a private life.

If this sounds good to you and you’re a smart cookie looking for a dream date with tax law, please drop us a line. We’ve got a lot to offer and would love to speak with you about how we can meet each other’s needs.

Nothing to see here – step right up!
Prof. Günter Titze
Prof. Günter Titze
Ret. Senior State Official, Chartered Tax Advisor
Prof. Günter Titze
Prof. Günter Titze
Prof. Günter Titze
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